Earth Day Shabbaton

April 23, 2022 @ 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Blendon Woods Metropark Hickory Grove Shelter House
Jodi Kushins

Our spring Shabbaton is designed with renewal and connection in mind. Please join us for a relaxing Shabbat afternoon and evening in the park with time for catching up with old friends and engaging Spring through our Jewish traditions.

General Schedule for our afternoon together:
3:15 – 3:45: Rising Song Circle with Joanie
4 – 5: Pilgrimage Walk prepared for us by Living Tree Alliance (VT)
5:15 – 5:45: Folk Dance with Louise
6pm –  8pm: New Member kiddush, Mimona songs, Dinner and Havdalah


Plan to BYO dinner (there are picnic tables under a covered shelter with open sides) and a bring Mimouna treat to share! Additional amenities at the site include a fireplace, playground, and bathroom.

(Note: We learned years ago from Rabbi Shefa Gold that we are commanded to increase our joy on Shabbat. Please bring your fruit of the vine in a public park safe container). 

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