Preparing for the 5784 High Holy Days of Awe: Week 1

R’ Alan Lew suggested that we need to prepare ourselves if we expect to embrace the full potential of the High Holy Days of Awe. Thanks to KSS Social Action Team Leader Debra Seltzer for spearheading our activities this season.  This is your formal invitation to join Sukkat Shalom for another seven week cycle of self-reflective provocations in Read More

In the Darkest Days, You are With Me

It’s hard not to feel despair when the weather drops 30-40 degrees overnight and we are confronted by a continuous stream of depressing news at home and abroad. Pick your special interest: public health, climate, gun control, antisemitism, Israel-Palestine… To say there’s a lot to be sad and anxious about seems beyond cliché at this Read More

Looking Back on the 5783 High Holiday Days of Awe

We did it! Our small but mighty kehilah made it through another round of High Holy Days of Awe. Thank you to everyone who lent a hand in this year’s celebrations. From those who organized and participated in leading services to those who organized meals, those who rolled the Torah into place and those who Read More

Chanukah – 8 Days for Climate Change

Chanukah begins tonight at sundown. Many take this time to celebrate possibilities – that a small army can defeat a larger one and that right will overcome might. But it is also a time for Jews to imagine a brighter world brought about through energy conservation. As we live through and work to halt climate Read More