820 High St
OH 43085
“Undesign the Redline” is a visual display using redlining, the practice of housing discrimination, by racial demographics and showcasing the follow on effects in Columbus and Worthington communities. Our tour guides will Sukkat Shalom’s newest member Tara Shiman, Youth Services Librarian, and her colleague Meredith Southard, Local History Librarian.
This tour is planned as a continuation of our kehilah’s work on reckoning with racial justice. Read more on that here, and join us Sunday, October 22nd to hear more about what the Reconstructionist movement is doing on this topic.
From the library’s website:
“Systemic challenges today, like inequalities in housing, education, income, criminal justice and health, are far from separate issues. They are rooted in a deep and tangled history of discriminatory policies, practices and processes that remain hidden and misunderstood. In addition to shining a light on the inequality, Undesign the Redline can help with the long-overdue conversation about it, reframing challenges as opportunities, so discussions about race, wealth, opportunity and power are not about guilt and blame.
The exhibit, which can be viewed in Old Worthington Library’s Popular Library (main floor) starting September 1, 2023 and through October 31, explores the history of structural racism caused by the 1930s federal redlining maps, which color-coded U.S. cities by their level of security for real estate investments. Some neighborhoods, often with Black populations, were outlined in red and deemed the riskiest for mortgages. This long-ago inequality continues to affect our communities today, but Undesign the Redline focuses on the ways we can “undesign” these systems together.
For its stay in Worthington, this traveling exhibit will feature history specific to the area. A resource list, provided below, will be available for anyone who’d like to read the books mentioned in the exhibit or learn more.
The exhibit is presented in partnership with the Worthington Historical Society, City of Worthington, Worthington Community Relations Commission, Worthington Schools and Erase the Space.”