New time this week only: Jewish Artistic Havruta with Suzanne Silver

December 5, 2021 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
First UU Church - Zoom participation available
Joanie Calem

Suzanne Silver will speak on Jewish Artistic Havruta – This KSS adult ed session will be offered in person, with Zoom access available

Havruta (from Aramaic for “Friend”) is a traditional approach to studying Jewish texts with a partner. Unlike other modes of study, havruta learning is often boisterous and animated: students read text and commentary aloud and analyze, question, and debate until they reach a mutual understanding. As they construct and reconstruct the text, students are known to gesture wildly or even shout at each other. The meaning comes from the relationship formed between the three partners, two people and one text. In a world that views students as vessels to fill with knowledge, this approach is a radical one. Students become co-creators of knowledge, shaping and changing the texts through the intimate experience of listening, and questioning.


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