Adult Education: Surreal Namibia

February 19, 2023 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
First UU Church
Joanie Calem

KSS member Roberta Kayne will share photos from her three week trip to Namibia, a country on the west coast of Africa. Roberta is an award winning photographer and has been taking photos for over 30 years as “a form of therapy and a way to heal the past and focus on the present.”  When she is concentrating on taking pictures, the world fades away, and the only thing that exists is the subject of her photos.  Roberta is a breast cancer survivor and now appreciates every day she is alive to share the beauty of the world, one photo at a time.

Many of Roberta’s photographs are from the 25 plus countries she has traveled to, and some are taken in and around her home base of Dublin, Ohio.  Her main interests in photography are impressionist and artistic interpretations of subjects; wide angle views of grand landscapes;  macro close ups of tiny life, like insects and flowers; and photos of the culture and people of the country she is visiting. Her photos are reflections of how she sees the world and expressions of the feelings in her heart and soul.

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