Chesed: Channeling Love for Ourselves, Each Other, and the Worldby Debra Seltzer NOTE: This is the 7th and final post in a series written by KSS members linking social and environmental justice issues to the 7 sephirot of the Omer cycle. To read the past six posts, please check our blog archive. We have come to the last week of Read More
Category: Reconstructing Judaism
Preparing for the 5784 High Holy Days of Awe: Week 2
WEEK TWO: Yesod (Foundation) and the Environment by Doug Calem For humans, the earth is the yesod — the foundation — that supports life. One might say that recorded history is also a record of our relationship with and attitude towards the earth. Most of the historical record reveals a belief that we are separate Read More
Preparing for the 5784 High Holy Days of Awe: Week 1
R’ Alan Lew suggested that we need to prepare ourselves if we expect to embrace the full potential of the High Holy Days of Awe. Thanks to KSS Social Action Team Leader Debra Seltzer for spearheading our activities this season. This is your formal invitation to join Sukkat Shalom for another seven week cycle of self-reflective provocations in Read More
Meet Aviva Marchione, Our 5784 High Holiday Spiritual Leader
For the third year, Kehilat Sukkat Shalom is proud to welcome a Rabbinic Intern from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College (RRC) to join us as a Spiritual Leader for the High Holy Days. Our Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur prayer services and social gatherings are enhanced by the presence of guest leaders who bring a new Read More
Home is a Shelter of Peace
As we move into Adar, we are reminded to find those things in life that bring us joy. This month’s blog post, from longtime KSS member Yutan Getzler, highlights the joy we find at home – with our own families and when we invite community in to join us. I know now as an adult Read More
A different kind of Chanukah Light. Tending Hope for Reparations
This past weekend, KSS Vice President Cheryl Lubow voted “yes” on behalf of our kehilah in a meeting of the Reconstructing Judaism Plenum, a group representing all the congregations and chavurot affiliated with the movement. The vote was in support of a movement-wide resolution calling for study, reflection, discussion, and action around reparations (click here Read More