A different kind of Chanukah Light. Tending Hope for Reparations

This past weekend, KSS Vice President Cheryl Lubow voted “yes” on behalf of our kehilah in a meeting of the Reconstructing Judaism Plenum, a group representing all the congregations and chavurot affiliated with the movement. The vote was in support of a movement-wide resolution calling for study, reflection, discussion, and action around reparations (click here Read More

In the Darkest Days, You are With Me

It’s hard not to feel despair when the weather drops 30-40 degrees overnight and we are confronted by a continuous stream of depressing news at home and abroad. Pick your special interest: public health, climate, gun control, antisemitism, Israel-Palestine… To say there’s a lot to be sad and anxious about seems beyond cliché at this Read More

Looking Back on the 5783 High Holiday Days of Awe

We did it! Our small but mighty kehilah made it through another round of High Holy Days of Awe. Thank you to everyone who lent a hand in this year’s celebrations. From those who organized and participated in leading services to those who organized meals, those who rolled the Torah into place and those who Read More

Meet Our Guest Spiritual Leader for the 5783/2022 High Holy Days

The KSS Board of Directors is proud to announce our Guest Spiritual Leader for the 5783/2022 High Holy Days. Elya Zissel Piazza (they/them) is a student at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College (RRC) while also completing their dissertation in Jewish studies from UC Berkeley. Elya is passionate about community building through teaching and learning, song, ritual, Read More

The Season of Endings and Beginnings

Born from a seed, the tree bears seed. The land spends itself to create what will thrive next spring. Fruit swells to bursting. Humans, animals, and birds harvest the grains, nuts, and berries of the land. Plants begin to fade, their life concentrated on a single point: the new kernel, pulsing with stored-up life. We Read More

Summer Sparks

There is a lot going on in our small but mighty kehilah this summer. Throughout the month of Tammuz (June 30-July 29, 2022), the KSS Shmita Hive has been engaged in a collective creative practice and meditation to help us gather strength in the final months of this shmita cycle. Norah Zuniga Shaw (artist, teacher, Read More

Passover Greetings and Love for Nisan

Before I launch in, how about we sit together for three breaths.  Yaaah-waaaahhhhh.Yaaha-wwwaaaahh.Yahhh-wvaaaaahhh. There’s a lot going on. In the world. In our state. In our community. In our individual lives. In Seasons of Our Joy, (not yet Rabbi) Arthur Waskow names three themes that are interwoven throughout the month of Nisan and the Passover season: “the Read More