Experiences of a Jewish Chaplain with Jack Schwarz – Adult Ed on Zoom & In Person

October 31, 2021 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
First Unitarian Universalist Church
Joanie Calem

Local chaplain Jack Schwarz will talk about his chaplaincy career on Zoom and In Person at First UU Church.  Jack will be reflecting on his role as a chaplain in hospice work, correctional institutions, assisted living facilities, and the community-at-large; but his focus will be on “Spirituality and Chaplaincy in a Hospital Setting.” He will give participants some handouts (e.g., a series of meditations that he has put together) before they leave at the end of the presentation.

Here is a link to an interview with Jack Schwarz by the Columbus Jewish Historical Society:  https://columbusjewishhistory.org/oral_histories/jack-schwarz/

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