Meet Ev Evnen: Our 5785 High Holiday Spiritual Leader

This year, Kehilat Sukkat Shalom is proud to welcome a cantorial intern from ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, to join us as a spiritual leader for the High Holidays. Our Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur prayer services and social gatherings are enhanced by the presence of guest leaders who bring new ideas and unique perspectives on contemporary Jewish practice This summer, our lay leaders are working with Ev Evnen to bring together plans for the High Holy Days of Awe. We hope you’ll join us to enjoy the fruits of their labors and welcome the new year!

Ev Evnen (they/them) started their Jewish music journey as a young child, leading Adon Olam at Tifereth Israel in Lincoln, Nebraska. Over the years, spiritual and musical leadership has become an important part of their life. Ev understands song as a way to move us to higher spiritual intensity, a way to connect us to our ancestors, and a way to be in community with each other. As a sheliach tzibur, Ev strives to daven with kavanah and ruach, bringing the kahal along in their own spiritual journey through the liturgy. Ev has led the High Holidays for eight years in communities ranging from Reform Jewish summer camps to Conserva-dox minyans. Ev is a cantorial student at the ALEPH Seminary for Jewish Renewal and a part-time sheliach tzibbur for communities in Denver and Boulder. Ev is also a committed Jewish educator, teaching music and tefillah, and running a youth group for transgender Jewish teenagers. Ev works as a DEIJ consultant and educator for their day job, specializing in LGBTQ+ topics, trauma and healing, and white supremacy culture. They are thrilled and honored to be joining Kehilat Sukkat Shalom this fall! To learn more about Ev and their work, visit their website:

MARK YOUR CALENDARS, pull out your copy of Alan Lew’s This is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared and get yourself in a High Holy Days of Awe state of mind.

Rosh haShanah offerings:

  • Wednesday, October 2 – Evening Service (8-9:30pm)
  • Thursday, October 3 – Morning Service (10am-12:30pm)
  • Thursday, October 3 – Shofar/Tashlich Service and Potluck (4:30- )

Yom Kippur offerings:

  • Friday, October 11 – Kol Nidre Evening Service (8-9:30pm)
  • Saturday, October 12 – Morning Service (10am-12:30pm)
  • Saturday, October 12 – Neilah Service & Break Fast (5pm – )

Visit our calendar for event details and to add them to your digital calendar.

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