Meet Our Guest Spiritual Leader for the 5783/2022 High Holy Days

The KSS Board of Directors is proud to announce our Guest Spiritual Leader for the 5783/2022 High Holy Days.

Elya Zissel Piazza (they/them) is a student at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College (RRC) while also completing their dissertation in Jewish studies from UC Berkeley. Elya is passionate about community building through teaching and learning, song, ritual, and care. They are especially called to expanding access to Jewish language and culture to community members who have historically been excluded from the tradition and animating Jewish tradition in the struggle for greater social, economic and environmental justice. To that point, their dissertation explores how queer readings of the Talmud can help us understand generations of Jewish thought, including the Yiddish language, as a site of resistance to oppression.

We look forward to seeing how Elya weaves their passions into Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur liturgy. We are also planning a few other opportunities for folks to pray and learn with them including Kabbalat Shabbat this Friday, September 2 @7:30pm on Zoom. Shabbat dinner and a Yiddish song circle (September 30th) and open discussion on gender and Judaism (October 2nd at 2pm) are also being planned. Stay tuned for details! (Information on or coming to our calendar.)

More on our HHD plans: The following are a list of our services for HHS5783. Note: all will take place at First Unitarian Universalist Church in Clintonville unless otherwise noted.

Rosh haShanah
Sunday, September 25 – Evening Service (8-9:30pm)
Monday, September 26 – Morning Service  (10am-12:30pm)
Monday, September 26 – Shofar & Green Tashlich (4:30- @Dublin Scioto Park)

Yom Kippur
Tuesday, October 4 – Kol Nidre Evening Service (8-9:30pm)
Wednesday, October 5- Morning Service & Yizkhor (10am-2pm)
Wednesday, October 5 – Restorative Yoga (3:30-4:30pm)
Wednesday, October 5 – Neilah Service followed by Community Break Fast (5pm – )

At this time, Kehilat Sukkat Shalom will not require masks or proof of Covid-19 vaccination. However, we welcome people to wear masks if that makes them feel most comfortable. We will also have flexible seating to allow for social distancing. We will continue to monitor the situation and follow any new CDC guidance that emerges between now and the HHDs. Services may also be streamed through Zoom. Contact for login details.

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