Passover Greetings and Love for Nisan

Before I launch in, how about we sit together for three breaths


There’s a lot going on. In the world. In our state. In our community. In our individual lives.

In Seasons of Our Joy, (not yet Rabbi) Arthur Waskow names three themes that are interwoven throughout the month of Nisan and the Passover season: “the birth of a people into political freedom; the rebirth of the earth into springtime life; and spiritual rebirth of the individual…” This month, I’m living into these with everything I’ve got.

The war in Ukraine is a stark reminder that one’s freedom cannot be taken for granted. As we absorb the news from abroad, we can’t loose sight of the war for the soul of our nation. Every day brings more news of delayed redistricting processes and new bills attempting to strip away the existence of the complexities of who we are and the history we’ve inherited. In this season of renewal, may we be renewed for the lifelong journey towards redemption and never-ending fight for justice. In this spirit, I invite you to join me and our friends at Central Ohio Jews for Justice April 19th for a Street Seder calling for the end of fossil fuel funding.

The weather has been perfect for early spring gardening and Earth Month clean-ups. The daffodils emerged, lay down in the face of some very cold nights, and then bounced back with amazing resilience. The magnolia buds are growing fatter by the day. I have dirt under my fingernails again, the hens are laying eggs that will appear on our Seder plate and in Passover kugels, and I’m catching up with neighbors I missed during the winter hibernation. I hope you are finding time to be outside to see the world coming back to life.

Finally, I’m cleaning the shmutz from the house as I contemplate my own renewal; what do I want to carry into the “growing season,” the season of longer hours of sunshine, of outdoor gatherings, and pleasure reading. The season when–if we’re privileged enough–we get to break free of our capitalist shackles for a few moments to reconsider who we want to be as we grow up. 

Wishing you all a meaning Passover and hope to see you at our Shabbaton at the Convergence of Earth Day and Mimouna on April 23rd,
Jodi Kushins
KSS Board Chair

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