Juggling Hanukkah and the American winter holidays always seems to me like the perfect
reflection of the challenge of being Jewish in America: walking in two worlds, not totally in sync
with everything around me. This year, with Hanukkah coming on the heels of American
Thanksgiving and still in this time of Covid reality and persistent questions about indoor
gatherings, preparing for Hanukkah feels especially otherworldly, like walking towards a memory
rather than into a present-day holiday.
Some years Hanukkah was such a busy time: parties and music and friends, bright, bustling
lights and sounds. Sometimes Hanukkah was more subdued: menorahs shining quiet,
respectful light from the windowsills out on dark, cold winter nights. Of course, the common
denominator to every kind of Hanukkah are those little candles boldly stating, “No matter what,
we are here. Come bathe in our light.”
Regardless of which kind of Hanukkah 5782/2021 brings for you, we at Kehilat Sukkat Shalom
wish all a holiday filled with light that renews our strength and joy for the coming months of
winter. Chag Urim Sameach – Happy Holiday of Lights!
Joanie Calem
KSS Education Chair
(This message was first published in Columbus Jewish News, November 29, 2021 in “Congregation leaders share Chanukah messages”)