High Holiday Homecoming: Welcoming Spiritual Leader Alana Krivo-Kaufman

Kehilat Sukkat Shalom (KSS) will proudly welcome Reconstructionist Rabbinical College student and Columbus City Schools alumna Alana Krivo-Kaufman home to Columbus to serve as spiritual leader for the 5782 High Holidays.

KSS Rosh Hashanah services will be held at First Unitarian Universalist Church in Clintonville (93 W Weisheimer Rd, Columbus, OH 43214) September 6 from 8-9:30pm and September 7 from 10am-12:30pm with Tashlich at Scioto Park in Dublin at 4:30pm. Yom Kippur services will be held at First UU September 15th from 8-9:30pm, and September 16th from 10am-2:30pm (including Yizkhor) and from 5pm-sundown.

All are welcome. No advance tickets required.

We are excited to be working with Ms. Krivo-Kaufman to provide a meaningful start to the new year and time and space for her to develop her rabbinic practice. Krivo-Kaufman grew up in the Reform movement, attending Temple Beth Shalom in New Albany. In her time away from Ohio, she has engaged multiple experiences building alongside and strengthening lay-leadership in pluralistic, multi-racial Jewish communities. Alana believes “We are at a moment of reckoning after a year in which the interconnected pandemics of COVID, of racism and state-violence and of climate catastrophe ask each of us individually and collectively — how will we meet this moment?”

More about Alana and more details about how we will safely celebrate the holiday will be available on this website in the coming weeks!

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