BONUS Shabbat Shabbaton!

Shabbat may be the greatest gift the Jews gave to the world. Without it (and union activists) would we even have a week-end?!

This January, when we are all in search of healing — from the traumas of 2020 and the tumultuous start of 2021 — the calendar has given us an BONUS Shabbat. And we are making the most of it! Please join us for a full day of programming when we’ll embrace space for rest and reflection, but our kehilah’s favorite holiday – Tu B’Shvat, the Birthday of Trees!

(All events will take place in the KSS Zoom Room unless otherwise noted. Please contact for login information.)

Friday, January 29
6pm – Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Mollie

SOUPer Shabbat Vegetarian Soup Exchange (Members Only)
(contact Jodi to join. You’ll receive another participant at random to deliver 1-2 quarts of soup)

Saturday, January 30
9:30am – Morning blessings with Jodi (leading into….)
10am – Meditation with Beaker

11:15-12:30pm – Walk with the trees (Members Only)
Various hosts, by location. Limit 5 people per group. Click here for details and to sign up!
(NOTE: Groups will be kept small with masks and social distance required)

1pm – Tofu class with Michelle
(See the recipe below in advance so you can have ingredients ready! Michelle has offered to deliver a meal kit to a few households in need. Please let us know if you need support.)

4pm – Intergenerational Tu B’Shvat Seder with Joanie, concluding with Havdalah

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