January Events at KSS

Following are just a few highlights for January to get you started! And as always, if you have programming ideas you want to share or are feeling inspired to lead, please reach out. The KSS Board looks forward to hearing from you!

Jewish, Grassroots, and Local: Organizing for Justice with Carolina Jews for Justice
Sunday Jan 24 @7pm
Evening of adult learning with two leaders of Carolina Jews for Justice. 

BONUS Shabbat Shabbaton!
January 29-30

The calendar has given us an extra Shabbat in January. Join us to make the most of it through song, study, and social activities. Details coming soon. but here’s some of what we are planning:
SOUPer Shabbat Exchange  
Candle lighting and and “mini” Kabbalat Shabbat service
Morning blessings
Baking Lesson
Adult or Intergenerational Learning 
Walking meet-ups
Intergenerational Singing 
(AS ALWAYS, if you want to volunteer to lead with anything, let
Jodi know!) 

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