Donations to Our Neighbors in Need

As part of our Yom Kippur day of fasting at Sukkat Shalom, our thoughts turn to our neighbors for whom being hungry is not a choice. In the past we have collected food for the Clintonville Resource Center; this year we invite you to make a cash donation to either the CRC or to Local Matters at the following links: 

Local Matters sponsors the Veggie Van, a mobile grocery and food education program on wheels. The Veggie Van partners with schools, places of worship, local businesses, and other community organizations to create a consistent, diverse range of fresh food throughout the city.

Clintonville Resource Center Family Services and Choice Food Pantry programs serve the Clintonville and surrounding communities through a food pantry, weekly produce distributions, community meals, and other forms of assistance.

Sukkat Shalom is also partnering with two members of The First Unitarian Church, John and Tiffany Grinstead, in support of Miriam Vargas in Sanctuary. Miriam Vargas lives in Sanctuary at the First English Lutheran Church here in Columbus. She “fled violence and intimidation in Honduras and has never had her political asylum case taken seriously by US immigration courts.” To read more about her plight in Columbus Monthly, click here.

The Grinsteads have offered to match our Sukkat Shalom donations to the Sanctuary Project up to a total of $1000 during the Jewish High Holidays.

You can contribute in one of three ways:

  1. A check made out to Kehilat Sukkat Shalom with “for Miriam” in the memo line and mailed to P.O. Box 141533, Columbus, Ohio, 43214 or dropped off to Debra
  2. A Paypal Payment to Kehitat Sukkat Shalom. (If you use Paypal, notify Debra immediately to be sure your donation is correctly identified.) 
  3. An email to Debra if you wish to use Venmo

After you make your donation, please contact Debra so she can make sure it goes to the right place. Thank you for offering this support to Miriam and her family. 

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